REET Paper Solved held on 7th February 2016

REET Exam Paper Solved held on 7th February 2016: Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teachers (REET) 2015 held on 7th February 2016 at various centers across Rajasthan. REET Exam 2015 contains various sections such ass Objective Question from Child Development and Pedagogy (CDP), Environment Studies, Language 1, 2, Mathematics and Science, Social Studies and Rajasthan GK, Current Affairs. Here is some of Questions REET Paper Solved held on 7th February 2016, FULL REET 2016, 250+ Solved Exam Paper at INDIA GK Mobile App.
REET Paper Solved held on 7th February 2016:
Who was that vice president who died during his tenure ?
A. Dr Radhakrishnan
B. VV Giri
C. BD Jati
D. Krishnakant
Answer: D

The percentage of total land area of the earth is ?
A. 32.0
B. 30.3
C. 29.0
D. 28.4
Answer: C

The lowest layer of atmosphere is ?
A. Stratosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Ionosphere
D. Ozonospher
Answer: B

A common term used for all the exogenic geomorphic processes is ?
A. Diastrophism
B. Weathering
C. Carbonation
D. Denudation
Answer: D

In the constitution of India Secularism means?
A. State has its own religion
B. State has no link with religion
C. State has no religion of its own
D. State recognizes all the religions
Answer: D

A candidate to get elected for the office of Rajya Sabha Must be ?
A. 25 Years Old
B. 35 Years Old
C. 30 Years Old
D. 21 Years Old
Answer: C

44th Amendment to the constitution of India was made during the period of which one of the following prime minister ?
A. Indira Gandhi
B. Chandra Shekhar
C. Choudhary Charan Singh
D. Morarji Desai
Answer:  D

Who was that supreme court Judge Against whom the process of Impeachment was started but could not be impeached?
A. KG Balkrishna
B. V Ramaswami
C. Somitra Sen
D. Swatantra kumar
Answer:  B

12th Schedule of Indian Constitution deals with?
A. Panchayati Raj System
B. Nagarpalikas
C. Languages of Union
D. Union state relations
Answer:  B

Who built the 'Vishnu Temple' of angkorvat situated in Kamboj ?
A. Suryaverma I
B. Jaiverma IV
C. Suryaverma II
D. Yashoverma III
Answer: C



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